Fiber-optic Cannula + Single LED

Fiber-optic Cannula + Single LED
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  • When attached to the animal's head, LED and the fiber-optic cannula assembly provides a lightweight optical source suitable for deep brain illumination. The protruding optical fiber is implanted into the skull.

    The assembly is made without a heat sink to keep it small and light. Consequently, the maximum current is limited. A cable connection to a current source is included.

  • Electrical interface 3 pins header, 1.27 mm pitch
    Pinout Pin 1 & 3 : Cathode (-)
    Pin 2 (center) : Anode (+)
    Maximum Current
    150 mA (continuous)
    300 mA (10 ms pulse, 10% duty cycle)
    Dimensions 6 mm x 6 mm x 6 mm
    Mass 200 mg

  • Output Power (mW)
    Fiber 200 µm
    NA 0.66
    Fiber 400 µm
    NA 0.66
    465 nm 8.0 25
    525 nm 3.5 10
    595 nm 1.5 5
    635 nm 4.0 12

  • LED Fiber-optic Cannula