Passive 1x1 Fiber-optic & Electric Rotary Joints - 12 contacts

Passive 1x1 Fiber-optic & Electric Rotary Joints - 12 contacts
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  • To facilitate in vivo experiments combining the light stimulation and electrophysiological recordings in optogenetics experiments, we have developed a passive low torque hybrid rotary joint with a number of electrical channels and one optical channel. The FC receptacles on both ends of the rotary joint allow the connection of the input and output fiber-optic patch cords. This product is more compact than the combination of the electrical rotary joint and the 1x1 fiber-optic rotary joint where the optical fiber is passed through the central hole of the electrical joint.

    Items includes : 

      • 1 Passive 1x1 Fiber-optic & Electric Rotary Joints - 12 contacts
      • 1 Holder for the Fiber-optic & Electrical Rotary Joint
      • 1 adapter allowing the fixing on the optional horizontal cable holder

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