Doric Maintenance Tool

Doric Maintenance Tool Downloads

Version Release date Download (current)
2025-02-17 download (archive)
download (archive)
2023-12-15 download


  • Doric Maintenance Tool is an application to update the firmware program of Doric devices.  It is included in the installation package of Doric Neuroscience Studio V6, but it is also available here for users that may want to downgrade a new device to be compatible with an older system running with Doric Neuroscience Studio V5.

    Use the 'Check for server updates' and 'Update from server', functions (see screen capture).  If the update from the server does not work, please contact Doric technical support before trying a manual update.

    In the following section, you will find a few videos on how to use the Doric Maintenance Tool to update some Doric devices;

    • Fiber Photometry Console Update (video )
  • Operating System Microsoft Windows 10; 64-bit
    Memory 4 GB RAM minimum
    8 GB RAM recommended
    Processor speed 2 GHz & 4 cores minimum
    3 GHz & 8 cores recommended
    Hard Drive 100 MB of free hard disk space
    * SSD recommended