Bundle-imaging Fiber photometry Optogenetic Collimator

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  • This collimator brings optogenetic illumination to the Bundle-imaging setup. Its collimated beam diameter depends strongly on the light source divergence, fiber NA and collimator focal length. For example, lasers are typically injected into  0.22 NA optical fibers with a 0.2 NA lens that yields an effective 0.20 NA at the other end of the fiber. On the other hand, Ce:YAG light source is highly divergent and should be used with 0.5 NA optical fibers and corresponding collimators.
    The beam diameter after collimation determines the size of the illuminated circle on the fiber bundle end face. Therefore, when selecting this collimator, the user must choose appropriate light sources and illuminated circle sizes that match his bundle type. If the user changes the fiber bundle type for some reason, he should change the collimators accordingly.

    Number & diameter of fibers in a bundle
    Bundle diameter (mm) Laser illuminated circle diameter
    Ce:YAG illuminated circle diameter
    4x 200 µm 0.56 0.75 0.90
    7x 200 µm 0.60 0.75 0.90
    12x 200 µm 0.95 1.10 1.30
    19x 200 µm 1.12 1.25 1.30
    4x 400 µm 1.05 1.25 1.30
    7x 400 µm 1.20 1.40 1.30
    12x 400 µm 1.75 1.90 1.90
    19x 400 µm 2.10 2.20 3.00

  •    Wavelength range   350 to 700 nm
       Field of view   selected by table in DESCRIPTION section
       BFMC objective   10x - NA 0.40
       Optical fiber connector   FC/PC
    Table 1. General Specifications

    Effective NA
    Focal Length
    ( mm )
    Illuminated diameter
    ( mm )
    0.20 12.0
    17.5 1.10
    20.0 1.25
    22.5 1.40
    30.0 1.90
    high NA
    0.50 3.0 0.90
    4.3 1.30
    5.5 1.60
    8.0 1.90
    12.5 3.00
    Table 2. Field of View vs collimator specifications
    *valid with BFMC objective 10x - NA0.40.
  • Drawing

    Fluorescence Mini Cube (FC connector on all ports)


    Fluorescence Mini Cube (FC connector on all ports)