Assisted 2x2 Fiber-optic & Electric Rotary Joint - 24 contacts

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  • The 2x2 Assisted Fiber-optic & Electric Rotary Joint allows friction-less rotation of 2 independent optical channels and 24 electrical contacts thanks to motorized assistance. The rotary joint detects torsion in fiber-optic patch cords connecting it to a moving animal, turning the rotor and allowing the animal to move freely without discomfort.

    The two optical inputs use a standard FC connector, while the optical output uses two M3 receptacle. Each optical channel is independent and features near zero crosstalk. The 24 electrical contacts are accessible using either a combo of an HDMI connector plus 4 auxiliary contacts or dual Omnetics PZN-12 connectors. 

    This configuration uses achromatic doublet lenses to ensure consistent performance on the entire visible range from 450 to 650 nm, fiber-optic numerical aperture is limited to NA 0.22.  This rotary joint is optimal for use in optogenetics, allowing two regions of the brain to be activated independently

    Not suitable for:

      • Photometry
  • Electrical Connector HDMI + 4 (Molex Micro-fit 3.0 Dual Row 4 Contacts connector)
    2x PZN-12 (Omnetics Polarized Nano 12 Contacts)
    2x HARWIN (Datamate L-Tek 12 pos 2 row)
    1x SMA + 1x USB2-B micro + 1x PZN12 (Omnetics Polarized Nano 12 Contacts)
    Optical Fiber 200 µm core - NA0.22
    * contact us for different optical fiber
    Transmission > 50 % (60% typical)
    Variation < 3 % peak-to-peak
    Optical Connectors
    stator : 2 x FC receptacle
    rotor : 2 x M3 receptacle
    Wavelength Range 450-600 nm
    Electrical Connectors see options
    Number of contacts 24 Electrical contacts
    Simple Resistance < 0.5 Ω
    Maximum Current rating
    2 A per contact
    Rotation Speed up to 40 rpm
    Power Supply (torque assistance) 10W mini USB (included)
    Start up Torque < 200 µN·m
  • Tests that have been performed showed the compatibility of the following third party systems with the Assisted Electrical Rotary Joints – 24 channels:

    Compatibility of the rotary joint with other devices
    Company Product Connectors Adaptor (if necessary)
    Blackrock Microsystem CerePlex M HDMI+4 -
    CerePlex µ HDMI+4 -
    Intan Technologies RHD 16/32/64/128ch  2xPZN12 -
    2xHARWIN Harwin 12 to Omnetics 12 Adapter
    SMA + USB2-B micro + PZN12 -
    Neuropixels Neuropixels 1.0 HDMI+4 Neuropixel Adapter (HDMI)
    2xPZN12 Neuropixel Adapter (PZN12)
    SMA + USB2-B micro + PZN12 Neuropixel Adapter (USB2-B micro or PZN12)
    Neuropixels 2.0
    HDMI+4 Neuropixel Adapter (HDMI)
    2xPZN12 Neuropixel Adapter (PZN12)
    SMA + USB2-B micro + PZN12 Neuropixel Adapter (USB2-B micro or PZN12)
    Pinnacle Technology Inc EEG/EMG 3CH HDMI+4 Adapter HDMI PINNACLE 3 channels
    EEG/EMG 4CH HDMI+4 Adapter HDMI PINNACLE 4 channels
    White Matter LLC eCube HDMI+4 Provided by White Matter LLC
  • Drawing

    Assisted 2x2 Fiber-optic & Electric Rotary Joint