Assisted 1x1 Fiber-optic & Electric Rotary Joints - 24 contacts

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  • The Assisted Fiber-optic & Electric Rotary Joint is electrically driven as it senses and follows the tethered animal’s rotations. It detects the torsion of the optical cable during animal movement and releases it with very high sensitivity. The assistance of this rotary joint helps to counter the frictional force of the internal slip-ring and offers quality transmission of the electrical signal during any experiment with freely-moving small animals like mice. It comes with 24 electrical channels and one optical channel.

    Items includes : 
      • 1 Assisted 1x1 Fiber-optic & Electric Rotary Joints - 24 contacts
      • 1 Output fiber-optic patch cords


    • The 24-channel Assisted Fiber-optic & Electric Rotary Joints uses the aspheric (AH) lenses with 0.50 NA optimized for reduced optical aberration. It is designed for use at a wavelength of 470 nm but works in the visible range 450-650 nm.

    Not suitable for: 
      • Photometry
  • Electrical Connector HDMI + 4 (Molex Micro-fit 3.0 Dual Row 4 Contacts Connector)
    2x PZN-12 (Omnetics Polarized Nano 12 Contacts)
    2x HARWIN (Datamate L-Tek 12 pos 2 row)
    1x SMA + 1x USB2-B micro + 1x PZN12 (Omnetics Polarized Nano 12 Contacts)
    Optical Transmission
    * Tested with 200 µm - NA 0.22
    > 80%
    Maximum Variation < 3% (peak to peak)
    Effective NA up to 0.5
    Number of electrical contacts 24
    Simple resistance < 0.5  Ω
    Resistance variation during rotation
    (constant rotation)
    < 0.025 Ω @ 5V DC
    Start up torque < 40 µN·m
    Rotation speed up to 40 rpm
    Power Supply (torque assistance)
    10W mini USB (included)
  • Tests that have been performed showed the compatibility of the following third party systems with the Assisted Electrical Rotary Joints – 24 channels:

    Compatibility of the rotary joint with other devices
    Company Product Connectors Adaptor (if necessary)
    Blackrock Microsystem CerePlex M HDMI+4 -
    CerePlex µ HDMI+4 -
    Intan Technologies RHD 16/32/64/128ch  2xPZN12 -
    2xHARWIN Harwin 12 to Omnetics 12 Adapter
    SMA + USB2-B micro + PZN12 -
    Neuropixels Neuropixels 1.0 HDMI+4 Neuropixel Adapter (HDMI)
    2xPZN12 Neuropixel Adapter (PZN12)
    SMA + USB2-B micro + PZN12 Neuropixel Adapter (USB2-B micro or PZN12)
    Neuropixels 2.0
    HDMI+4 Neuropixel Adapter (HDMI)
    2xPZN12 Neuropixel Adapter (PZN12)
    SMA + USB2-B micro + PZN12 Neuropixel Adapter (USB2-B micro or PZN12)
    Pinnacle Technology Inc EEG/EMG 3CH HDMI+4 Adapter HDMI PINNACLE 3 channels
    EEG/EMG 4CH HDMI+4 Adapter HDMI PINNACLE 4 channels
    UCLA Miniscope Miniscope V.4 HDMI+4 UCLA Miniscope Adapter
    2xPZN12 UCLA Miniscope Adapter
    SMA + USB2-B micro + PZN12 UCLA Miniscope Adapter (SMA or PZN12)
    White Matter LLC eCube HDMI+4 Provided by White Matter LLC
  • Drawing

    Fiber-optic & Electric Rotary Joint

    User ManualFrEn

    Assisted 24 Channel Rotary Joint