Optoelectric Probe Holders
 DESCRIPTION TERMINATION CODES SUPPORT The Optoelectrical Probe Holder has a similar function as the optical probe holder with the addition of an electrical contact. In order to reduce cable...
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Ce:YAG Bandpass Filters
DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS SUPPORT To match the excitation spectra of light sensitive molecules (e.g. opsins, fluorescent proteins, ...) the large emission spectrum of Ce:YAG fiber light sources can be narrowed with...
Wireless Fiber Photometry System
DESCRIPTION ITEM LIST Wireless Fiber Photometry System provides a cable-free solution for fiber photometry experiments in freely-moving animals. The Base Station can support up to four wireless headstages simultaneously, enabling...
UCLA Miniscope Adapter
 DESCRIPTION This two-part cable is designed to connect the UCLA Miniscope v4 to its data acquisition board through one of our 24-channel assisted electrical rotary joints. The total length...
High-density Fiber-optic Patch Cords
DESCRIPTION FIBER-OPTIC CODES JACKET COMBINATIONS CONNECTOR CODES SUPPORT High-density Fiber-optic Patch Cords (HDP) have multiple fiber-optic strands terminated on one side in the same high-density connector pattern as the corresponding...
16 channel Ephys Recording System
DESCRIPTION To better understand the brain's functioning, it is necessary to record and analyze the neuronal activity of the group of cells. With extracellular in vivo electrophysiological recordings, it is...
Ce:YAG Optical Head (OBSOLETE)
DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS POWER TABLE SUPPORT Ce:YAG Light Source where 5 blue laser diodes are focused on Ce:YAG crystal inducing it to emit light spectrum centered at a wavelength of 565...
Ce:YAG + Laser Diode Optical Head (OBSOLETE)
DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS POWER TABLE SUPPORT Ce:YAG + LD Fiber Light Source combines the light emissions of a Ce:YAG module and selected laser diode module. It comes with integrated cooling system...
U-bracket Insert
DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS SUPPORT U-bracket insert are designed to fit with our Connectorized U-bracket and NA converter product. You can choose between neutral density filter to attenuate, or spectral filter to...
NA Converter
DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS SUPPORT Laser sources are valued for the large amount of power they deliver. However, one of their characteristics is that the beams they produce have small divergences. This...