
Expand your knowledge in the neuroscience field with our exclusive webinar series. Our webinars offer valuable insights into the cutting-edge technologies, fiber photometry, single-cell imaging, electrophysiology, and their analysis.

 *Please specify what webinar interests you in the message description*

Next Webinars: 

  1. Automating the analysis of photometry & behavior data with danse
    (this webinar is planned for Sep.12. 2024)
  2. Introduction to photometry recording (troubleshooting artifacts, photobleaching, saturation, ...).
  3. Introduction to all available photometry systems at Doric Lenses
    (this webinar is planned for Sep.26. 2024).
  4. All above 
* All dates will be announced through email to the attendees.
* Let us know in the box below if you have any subjects in mind for future webinars