Newport Visible Femtowatt Photoreceiver Module

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  • This battery-operated photoreceiver has high gain and detects CW light signals in the sub-picowatt to nanowatt range. When used in conjunction with a modulated light source and a lock-in amplifier to reduce the measurement bandwidth, it achieves sensitivity levels in the femtowatt range. Doric offer this Newport product with add-on fiber optic adapter that improves coupling efficiency between the large core, high NA optical fibers used in Fiber Photometry and relatively small detector area. Its output analog voltage (0-5 V) can be monitored with an oscilloscope or with a DAQ board to record the data with a computer.

  • Amplification level - Low
    - High
    Conversion gain - 1E10 V/W (AC/DC low)
    - 1E11 V/W (AC high)
    Transimpedance gain - 2E10 V/A (AC/DC low)
    - 2E11 V/A (AC high)
    Saturation 0.5 nW (peak)
    Responsivity 0.5 A/W (peak)
    NEP less than 16 fW/√Hz
    Wavelength range 320-1050 nm
    Peak Sensitivity Wavelength 900 nm
    Electrical interface BNC
    Output impedance 100 Ohm
    Battery Internal 9V
    Bandwidth DC-750 Hz (DC), 30-750 Hz (AC) at -3dB
    Dimensions 107 mm x 64 mm x 45 mm
    Model Newport 2151
    Detector Material Si
    Detector Size 1.0 x 1.0 mm
  • Drawing

    Newport Visible Femtowatt Photoreceiver Module